This is what fascism looks like.
As someone arrested at a campus protest last spring, I have major qualms with how the Biden administration handled campus dissent. But it was nothing compared to what we are in for now.
Our reaction to this statement will help decide if Trump's regeime is able to consolidate power to form the strong-man dictatorship he envisions. Our reaction should be to protest in force across every campus while wearing MASKS.
@FantasticalEconomics @academicchatter
I honestly think Biden bowed to Israel on that one to give this generation's kids some experience at protesting and organizing.
And getting arrested.
Not all white boomers who marched with MLK turned around and voted for Reagan fifteen years later. Some had memories. Some still do.
I can think of one notable exception there :)
You might like this guy:
That's an interesting hypothesis! I'm not sure I buy it on have value, but it's definitely something I'll think on more.
Also, I appreciate the recommendation and I'll check him out.